
My designs are the result of nearly four decades working in the bike business, two and one half decades as a professional full-time framebuilder, and racing on both a regional and national pro level in BMX, MTB, cross and road racing. I’ve built more than 5000 bikes for everyone from the average weekend warrior to the pro level rider competing in the Tour de France. I constantly push to make each and every bike I build better than the one that preceded it. I am perpetually trying and testing new ideas and only the absolute best proven design concepts make it into bikes I offer to customers.

I build bikes that are quick, stable, responsive and sublime – bikes that make you want to take the long way home. I stay away from trendy fashions in fit or construction that are exciting in the short term but disappointing in the long. My bikes are designed and built to be ridden hard, enjoyed for a lifetime, make the rider smile each and every time they swing a leg over it, and daydream about riding it again as soon as possible. I feel the world should be as full of as many beautiful things as possible. I love hearing about when a rider gets home from a long ride, cracks a beer (dark is preferable), sits down and just looks at the bike.

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