Place an Order

See “fitting” to take measurements that will be used in your frame design. You can also call for advice on assessing your bike fit.

I prefer payment by check or money order. Or, you can make a payment online. These transactions will be via PayPal and you do not need a PayPal account. You can use a credit card.


Initial Deposit

To hold your place in line, send a $300 deposit. Note that this deposit is non-refundable.

Pre-Build Deposit

Once your frame design, materials, specs and pricing have been approved by you, send a $700 deposit so that work can begin on your frame.

Pay Balance Due or Make Payments

After the frame has been built and painted, pay your balance due. You will need to enter the dollar amount of your balance. This is due when the frame is shipped to you. You may also use this button when making a payment toward a frame that is on order.

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