Welcome to the Frameworks Blog

View from the Frameworks shop

View from the Frameworks shop

First Blog Entry —

Well as you can see there is now a Kirk Frameworks blog and this is my first entry. I hope that you the reader will find this interesting, informative and at times even humorous. I can’t guarantee any of the above but that’s what I’m striving for.

I’ve noticed that some bloggers post something new every day into their blog and in some cases more than once a day and frankly I don’t think that will happen in my case. Not because I don’t have anything to say (as anyone who knows me will agree) but because I’m busy with the business of framebuilding. I’ll be using this space to share my thoughts on framebuilding in general, to show what is in the shop at the moment and to share stories of things I’ve experienced during my 29 years in the bicycle business and 20 years of working as a professional framebuilder.

As you may know I like to spend time on cycling forums online and most of my posts are not particularly notable but there are a few that I’ve written over the years that I think have some merit and I will be cutting and pasting those into this space on occasion. A greatest forum hits if you will.

My writing is far from perfect and I think you’ll find I write in a conversational tone despite my best efforts. I have a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor, which at times has gotten me into hot water on some online cycling forums. I’ll do my best to be sure that you know when I’m attempting a joke but I don’t think you’ll find any smiley faces or dancing bananas to let you know for sure.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be writing about the NAHBS event as well as some history of how and why I got into the bike and framebuilding business. I’ll also be posting photos of my work and shop so you can get a feeling for what it’s like to be here.

This format is very new to me and I’m sure I’ll make some technical mistakes so please bear with me as I learn something new.

Thanks for reading.


This entry was posted in Bike, News.  

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5 responses to “Welcome to the Frameworks Blog”

  1. terry b says:

    Great idea Dave, looking forward to reading your impression of the Indy show.

  2. irfan says:

    Looking forward to it.

    PS: I use smiley faces 🙂

  3. GeorgeK says:

    From one mountain to another: Sweet!
    Looking for ward to more!

  4. Peter says:

    I think blogs are a tremendous advertising tool for framebuilders and you were wise to start one. I follow a blog of another framebuilder and have to say even the off-topic entries lend credibility to the person AND attract business. In fact, I bought a frame from him partially as a result of the impressions I got from his blog. It reveals personality and intelligence. A word of advice-be sure to double check your spelling and grammar as that can kill any street cred.

    I hope the blog does wonders for your business!

  5. John says:

    Thanks for putting up this Blog, DK. It’s cool to stay connected in an unobtrusive kind of way.
    Best to you and Karin. Come ride in the Flathead some day!!

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